Just got off the phone with a subscriber living in the Cayman Islands. My first thought was, 'I would like to visit these Cayman Islands sometime, like around February.' After that, I began to think about how Hoof Beats reaches so many different people all over the world.
I don't take all the calls from subscribers, but when circulation manager Kate Lockhart and publishing assistant Jason Turner are busy, I get the pleasure of speaking with folks with questions about their subscriptions. I've talked to people from Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Finland, Norway, Australia and New Zealand. I'm sure Kate could add about a dozen more countries to that list from her experience.
Getting a chance to talk to so many people makes me excited about how many people, from so many different backgrounds, are true fans and participants in harness racing. What's even better is when I get to help a reader with his or her problem, and we start chatting about our experiences in this great sport. Whether they are giving me feedback about the work we are doing here, telling me about a story that should appear in the magazine, or simply sharing their philosophy on the sport in general, it always serves to remind me that the scope of this magazine spreads so much wider than these cubicle walls, or the Ohio border, or even the boundless ocean.
Have a great weekend,