There was about $18,500 bet in the win pool for the second elim of the first Futurity heat—and $18,200 was bet on Muscle Hill. And Muscle Hill did n not disappoint, winning easily, with virtually no encouragement from Brian Sears. He “only” trotted in 1:52.3, but his easy was simply breathtaking.
The crowd was on his feet as Muscle Hill made his way back to the detention barn, applauding heartily, and Greg Peck waving to the crowd just got them more excited.
The wind is starting to pick up again, and it will be at the drivers’ backs in the stretch if it stays in this direction. When he interviewed Brian Sears after the race, announcer Sam McKee said he expected he would be talking to Brian again in about an hour, indicating he’d do so when Muscle Hill wins the final. Now that is confidence!
Mr Muscleman just paraded in a retirement tribute. Adam Victor Jr. just said that they are still trying to get him into the Kentucky Horse Park. Right now Western Dreamer and Staying Together are the Standardbred representative.
Muscle Hill draws the rail in the Futurity final, and Russell Hill and Airzoom Lindy both scratch out. Ron Pierce picked Explosive Matter over Big Bikkies, who will be driven by Jim Morrill Jr.